Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hello, world!

Welcome to the CXforGood blog! I spent a month blogging internally about customer experience management at my job.  After the encouragement of one delightful friend/colleague, I have decided to bring the blog public. So many of the resources I have found on this topic are focused on for-profit enterprise.  As a lifelong nonprofit professional, I think there are ways in which this discipline can/should be applied differently.

My goals for this blog are:
  1. Increase my own understanding of customer experience management (CEM/CX)
  2. Find (and share!) best practices of CX in the nonprofit, government, and social enterprise sectors
  3. Highlight the different ways CX can/should be applied in these sectors where financial gain to stockholders is not the primary motivator of activity
  4. Develop a community of CX practitioners and enthusiasts whose enterprise is being put to use for the greater good
  5. Be a little goofy, because I am
I hope you’ll enjoy this experience with me engage on this journey.

Very Best,

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